There is much to mention about this API which makes life easy to get available to Reserve/Transact quantities, since we cannot perform a quantity transaction based on On hand quantity.
Use inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities API to get the exact quantities.
Things to consider.
- Set the value TRUE for lot /serial controlled only if your item is controlled by those attributes else set to FALSE.
- Advice to call inv_quantity_tree_grp.clear_quantity_cache to delete all the tree quantities in the memory.
- Most importantly if you are here because you are not getting right quantity by directly calling this function please follow the note after API.
FUNCTION available_to_reserve (
p_inv_item_id NUMBER
,p_subinv_code VARCHAR2
,p_locator_id NUMBER
,p_lot_number VARCHAR2
,p_organization_id NUMBER
x_return_status VARCHAR2 (50);
x_msg_count VARCHAR2 (50);
x_msg_data VARCHAR2 (50);
l_item_id NUMBER;
l_organization_id NUMBER;
l_qty_on_hand NUMBER;
l_res_qty_on_hand NUMBER;
l_avail_to_tnsct NUMBER;
l_avail_to_reserve NUMBER;
l_qty_reserved NUMBER;
l_qty_suggested NUMBER;
l_lot_control_code BOOLEAN;
l_serial_control_code BOOLEAN;
/* Used to clear cache*/
-- Initialize apps by passing correct values
fnd_global.apps_initialize (user_id,resp_id,resp_appl_id);
-- Set the variable values
l_item_id := p_inv_item_id;
l_organization_id := p_organization_id;
l_lot_control_code := TRUE; --Only When Lot number is passed TRUE else FALSE
l_serial_control_code := FALSE; --if item is serial controlled pass TRUE else FALSE
-- Call API
(p_api_version_number => 1.0
,p_init_msg_lst => 'F'
,x_return_status => x_return_status
,x_msg_count => x_msg_count
,x_msg_data => x_msg_data
,p_organization_id => l_organization_id
,p_inventory_item_id => l_item_id
,p_tree_mode => apps.inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode -- or 3
,p_is_revision_control => FALSE
,p_is_lot_control => l_lot_control_code -- is_lot_control,
,p_is_serial_control => l_serial_control_code
,p_revision => NULL -- p_revision,
,p_lot_number => p_lot_number -- p_lot_number,
,p_lot_expiration_date => SYSDATE
,p_subinventory_code => p_subinv_code -- p_subinventory,
,p_locator_id => p_locator_id
,p_cost_group_id => NULL
,p_onhand_source => 3 -- Can also pass NULL
,x_qoh => l_qty_on_hand -- Quantity on-hand
,x_rqoh => l_res_qty_on_hand --reservable quantity on-hand
,x_qr => l_qty_reserved
,x_qs => l_qty_suggested
,x_att => l_avail_to_tnsct -- available to transact
,x_atr => l_avail_to_reserve -- available to reserve
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('On hand Quantity: ' || l_qty_on_hand);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Avaialble to Reserve : ' || l_avail_to_reserve);
RETURN NVL (l_avail_to_reserve, 0);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('ERROR: ' || SQLERRM);
Note: For some reason i am not able to achieve right results even after passing the correct values and initializing correctly through SQL/Concurrent Prgoram. After hours of debug i found that this API cannot be run directly from SQL/Toad just by declare begin and end. It has to be created as function/procedure. Also function created cannot be called directly . Its advisable to create a main function which in turn calls the quantity API. This was i was able to get right quantity.
Here is example :
function quantity_call (arguments)RETURN NUMBER IS
l_avail_qty NUMBER;
---This condition is to clear the quantity with incorrect inputs by hardcoding
ln_avaialble_qty :=
avail_to_reserve (1234567890, 'AAAA', 12345000, 'AAA.3.0', organization_id);
---Then pass correct values
ln_avaialble_qty := avail_to_reserve (arguments);
---This condition is to clear the quantity with incorrect inputs and try again
IF ln_avaialble_qty = 0
---This condition is to clear the quantity with incorrect inputs by hardcoding
ln_avaialble_qty :=
avail_to_reserve (1234567890, 'AAAA', 12345000, 'AAA.3.0', organization_id);
---Then pass correct values
ln_avaialble_qty := avail_to_reserve (arguments);
l_avail_qty := availalbe_to_reserve (arguments);
RETURN l_avail_qty;
Use quantity_call (arguments) where ever needed.
Hi im using the same API it is returning correct values of Available to transact and Onhand quantity but returning null values for Available to reserve. Any idea where i could have gone wrong?
ReplyDeleteI am also facing same issue as Tucker. It is returning only "Available to transact and Onhand quantity" and returning null for "Available to reserve". Please help me here.